Monday, 15 October 2012

Cake Cake Cake

Well the Christmas cake baking continues apace and the house smell delicious.
First I prepare the dry ingredients. As I have a conveyor belt approach to making the cakes, I tend to weigh out the dried fruit and then leave them overnight. A glug of brandy helps moisten them up. You are sensing a theme - non?

The cake batter mix comes next. Sorry it's not the most delicious looking picture!

The cake mix and fruit are combined, but you'll have to take my word for it as I forgot to take a photo!
Finally the cakes are baked for 2.5 hours. Don't you just love the brown paper coverings? It's supposed to protect the cakes in the oven.

After allowing the cakes to fully cool, they are fed with brandy (ha!), turned upside down, wrapped in tin foil and stored in an air tight tub. I tend to feed them every few weeks to really enhance the flavour. Oh yum, roll on Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. If there is any marzipan left over, I would be happy to take it off your hands :D
